raspberrypi bluetooth connection to arduino bluetooth shield using bluetoothctl

For those who frustated of bluez-simple-agent, this is the answer.

power on
agent on
scan on
--get <bdaddr>--
scan off
pair <bdaddr>
trust <bdaddr>

-paring done.-

CTRL+Z ( to see the console)

sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm1 20:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 1 &
(sudo rfcomm <command>   <dev>      [bdaddr]     [channel]  (& is for background))

ls -l /dev | grep rf
you should be able to see rfcomm1

Now, there is a connection. you might want to send a text.

sudo apt-get install python-serial (if you did not install)

make a script below, and save it as send_a.py
#! /usr/bin/python

import serial
from time import sleep

bluetoothSerial = serial.Serial( "/dev/rfcomm1", baudrate=9600 )

sudo python3 ./send_a.py

If you had a connection, and reboot raspberry pi, then, you can follow below

bluetoothctl&  (turn on PI's bluetooth and pairing)
sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm1 20:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 1 &
sudo python3 send_a.py

Hope this helps.


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